Borderlands Cosplay Guide: Psycho, Lilith, Maya, and Handsome Jack

Borderlands Cosplay Guide: Psycho, Lilith, Maya, and Handsome Jack

Borderlands is a video game series that comes under the looter shooter category. This simple premise is paired with a sci fi space Western theme and an unusual art style. Its USPs include the sense of humour and the co-op multiplayer mode. It’s frantic and fast-paced action at its best with a choice of characters to play so it’s hardly surprising that Borderlands cosplay is still just as popular as when the game was first released. We are now onto Borderlands 3 and this game just keeps getting more and more popular.

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The unique Borderlands art style makes it a great choice if you love to experiment with makeup for your cosplay. Whether you are adding sketch-style lines to your clothing or are trying out a body paint style, there is something super unique about the look of the Borderlands characters.

In this Borderlands cosplay guide, you will see some character favourites painted by the talented affiliates at Coloured Contacts.

You will recognise Psycho from the cover of Borderlands. In this amazing Borderlands Psycho cosplay body paint by @rainbowskinz, he is striking the pose from Borderlands 2. A top selling point of creating this cosplay, in recent years is the Borderlands Psycho mask. Masked characters have become popular to cosplay as you can naturally cover your face while keeping your character as accurate as possible. Of course, in this amazing makeup by @rainbowskinz, he has painted every aspect of the character from the face to the torso.

@rainbowskinz has opted for Aqua Blue Ice Walker Lenses but styles such as Blue UV Lenses and Blue Shiva would also work well for completing this cosplay.

Borderlands Handsome Jack got his moment in the spotlight in Borderlands 2 as a playable character. @rainbowskinz has continued his Borderlands body paint series with a Handsome Jack cosplay and we think he absolutely nailed the detail in this character! If you are heading to a convention you can swap your paintbrush for clothing but the face paint style is perfect for adding to your cosplay.

In this Handsome Jack makeup, @rainbowskinz has featured the Aqua Blue Ice Walker Coloured Contacts and the Green Hulk Coloured Contacts. Bold costume colours such as these are ideal for creating Handsome Jack’s intense blue and green eyes. Other combinations include:

  • Blue Super Sky Lenses and Green Witches Eye Lenses
  • Blue UV Lenses and Green UV Lenses
  • Blue Shiva Lenses and Green Hulk Lenses

Lilith is often quoted as being the strongest of the Sirens in Borderlands. This badass character is a popular choice for cosplay but just how do you bring a siren like Borderlands Lilith into the real world? Check out @fancymay_makeup’s tutorial below to see how she painted the Borderlands art style.

To complete her Borderlands Lilith cosplay, @fancymay_makeup has added a pair of Yellow Avatar Coloured Contacts to her cosplay. We think these lenses are the perfect choice for matching Lilith’s golden yellow eyes.

@fancymay_makeup has continued her SFX cosplay series with Borderlands Maya body paint. Make sure to check out her tutorial below. For this Borderlands character, she has used the White Halloween coloured contacts to complete her cosplay.

If you are looking to create a Borderlands Maya cosplay out of clothing then make sure to check out @artbybmazz. These amazing before and after pictures show how she transformed her trousers and top to look like the Borderlands aesthetic.


A post shared by Brenna Mazzoni (@artbybmazz)

To re-create Maya’s pale eye colour, @artbybmazz has paired White Manson Coloured Contacts with this cosplay. Similar styles include White Angelic Coloured Contacts and White Lunar Coloured Contacts. There is some debate as to the colour of the Sirens’ eyes in Borderlands so there are plenty of different styles you could try with your Borderlands 2 cosplay

With 3 Borderlands games to choose from, there are so many characters you could cosplay. For example, Moxxi cosplay is also popular because the outfit and makeup are easy to recreate. Here are some more of our favourite characters to cosplay from the Borderlands video games:

  • Borderlands Cosplay Moxxi: Add a pair of natural or costume green coloured contacts to create Moxxi’s vibrant green eyes.
  • Borderlands Zer0 Cosplay: A Zer0 cosplay will definitely test your crafting skills with full armour and props but if you are looking to create a simple makeup version of this character’s mask then a pair of Black Coloured Contacts can help to blank out your eye colour.
  • Borderlands 3 Amara: Amara is another Siren which means she has similar pale eyes to Maya and Lilith. In some scenes, her eyes look very pale blue but keen fans have spotted her with orange eyes in rare moments. 

We know you will have many more favourite characters so we would love to see your cosplay ideas for Borderlands characters! Make sure to tag us on socials; we would love to see which lenses you think work best for Borderlands cosplay.

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