Riddick Contact Lenses: Best White Blind Eye Contacts

Riddick Contact Lenses: Best White Blind Eye Contacts

Riddick Contact Lenses is a term used to describe Halloween contact lenses for cosplay as the character Riddick from the self-titled film series, acted by Vin Diesel.  Riddick Contacts have a resemblance to white costume contact lenses and blind white contacts in order to show off his glowing Furyan eyes.

We love our range of Halloween contact lenses and all of the crazy costumes you like to use them with. From our social media pages such as Facebook and Instagram, we can see all manner of different looks you pull off, but one of our most popular styles of lenses has to be with the white blind and zombie. These styles lend themselves to multiple different genres but one style that we haven’t gone into detail with yet is Riddick contact lenses.

Starting with the film Pitch Black in 2000, the Chronicles of Riddick have become a full-fledged franchise all centered around, you guessed it: Riddick. What makes this character popular though isn’t just the outstanding performance from Vin Diesel, but more so his amazing genetically modified eyes which strongly resemble some of our blind contact lenses styles.

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The Most Realistic Riddick Contacts

Although Vin Diesel can pretty much steal the entire show with his acting, it’s his signature Riddick contacts that we want to hear more about. In the various films that Diesel portrays Riddick, his character is told that his genetically modified eye makes his eyes incredibly sensitive to light but also gives him the ability to see in the dark. Luckily here at Coloured Contacts, we make it readily available for you to find chronicles of Riddick contact lenses for sale.

Of the different pairs we offer, there are three distinct pairs that we feel particularly resemble the Riddick character, and depending on your preference we can point you towards your perfect pair.

White Blind Halloween Coloured Contact Lenses

Of all of our lenses, we feel that our Riddick contact lenses with the greatest resemblance to the high-quality eyes of the films are our White Blind Coloured Contacts. Although these lenses greatly obscure vision due to their completely opaque finish, if you’re looking for a pair of blind contact lenses, these are without a doubt the most realistic. What’s even better is that they are also available in both daily and 90 day varieties; so you’ll be ready for a one-off fancy dress party or a long summer of comic book conventions.

Our Ultra Violet Contact Lenses

One of the key features of his amazing Furyan eyes is their distinctive glow in dark scenes and to get this look all you need is a pair of our White Screen UV I-Glow Halloween Coloured Contact Lenses. Although these Riddick Contacts aren’t as realistic as the blind styles listed above, they will allow your eyes to glow under UV blacklight like the character in the movies; but more importantly, you will have some vision clarity. This style of coloured contacts helps give you a realistic blind eye look but with slight checkboard cut-outs in order to let you see. 

The best thing about coloured contact lenses is that whether you’re looking for the perfect pair of lenses to wear for one costume or a pair that can last several; many of our styles can be mixed and matched for multiple different costumes. Although someone looking for Riddick eyes may only be interested in some that are specifically made for that purpose;  you would be silly not to check out the full list of our White Contact Lenses or Halloween Contact Lenses sections we have to offer. We guarantee that you’ll be able to find almost any style you’re looking for!

There you have it! The best way to pull off Riddick’s signature glowing eyes look! All you need is a vest and shaved head and you’re ready for your next cosplay convention! Show us your costumes through our Facebook, Twitter & Instagram!

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