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How do you fix blurry contact lenses?
If your contact lenses are blurry there is a checklist to help you find the problem. To fix blurry contact lenses check that the prescription and measurements match your eyes, the lenses have been correctly soaked in fresh contact lens solution for at least two hours before use, the lenses are not inside out, and the lenses are not damaged. Sometimes rewetting the contact lenses or hydrating your eyes can fix contact lenses blurry if they have become blurry during use. If your contact lenses have always appeared blurry, check with your eye doctor for possible causes.
Why is one of my contact lenses blurry?
If one of your contact lenses is blurry, it may be that you need a different prescription strength in one eye. Other causes of contact lenses blurry in one eye can include a faulty contact lens or debris building up on the surface of your lens. Remove the lens and inspect it for any damage then clean it with your contact lens solution, gently rubbing the surface with your clean finger. Rinse the lens and re-insert it. If the problem of blurry contacts in one eye persists do not continue to wear the lenses.
Should I take my contacts out if they are blurry?
If your contacts are blurry, it can be best to take them out to check that the surface has not become damaged and that no debris has built up on the lens. Checking, cleaning and rewetting the contact lenses can be all it takes to fix your blurry contacts. However, if the problem continues we recommend taking the lenses out and not reinserting them.
How long does it take for contacts to stop being blurry?
While it can be a concern if your contact lenses become blurry, it can be a simple case of your eyes adjusting to your new lenses or a new prescription. If your contacts get blurry after a few minutes, try blinking a few times to clean the lens and help it to settle on your eye. After this small adjustment, you may find that the blurriness clears. If this doesn’t stop the lenses from being blurry it is best to remove the lens, inspect it to ensure it is not damaged, and re-wet the lens before trying again.
Will my vision be blurry if my contact is inside out in my eye?
If your contact lenses are inside out, it may cause blurriness but the more likely problem you will experience is discomfort as the lens will not sit correctly on the eye and may move about. Making sure your lenses are not inside out when you put them on your eye is important for your comfort. To check, place the lens on the end of your finger. If the edge of the lens is a smooth ‘U’ shape with no lip it is the right orientation. If it looks ‘V’ shaped and appears to have a lip at the edge, it may be inside out.
See our tutorial here, for a visual demonstration of the orientation of the lenses.
Can wearing contacts too long cause blurred vision?
Contact lenses are only designed to be worn for a specific length of time and many types should not be worn for certain activities such as sleeping, swimming, and showering. Our coloured contact lenses are designed to be worn for a maximum of 8 hours at a time within a 24 hour period.
Wearing contact lenses for too long can cause blurred vision as your lenses become dry. Even the best oxygen-permeable lenses reduce the amount of oxygen that reaches the eye compared to not wearing contact lenses, which is why it is important to give your eyes a rest from wearing contact lenses in order to rehydrate. If you wear lenses for too long it can cause blurred vision, redness, irritation, and dry eyes.
Why do my daily contacts get blurry after a few hours?
The most common cause of blurriness in daily contacts is dry eyes. Depending on the severity of your dry eyes, you can get re-wetting drops to solve the problem. If your dry eyes are more severe, your eye doctor may recommend a different type of contact lenses or different eye drops. Daily contacts have properties to help prevent dryness as they often have a thin surface and a high percentage of hydration but if you aren’t used to wearing them it may take time for your eyes to adjust.
Can dry eyes cause blurry contacts?
Dry eyes are one of the most common causes of blurry contacts. This is because moisture caused by blinking helps to clear away any debris from the surface or your contact lenses. If your eyes become dry, then they will not be effectively performing this function.
Why are my contacts more blurry than my glasses?
If you have tried off-the-shelf contact lenses using your glasses prescription, you may experience blurry vision with contacts but not glasses. This is because you need a specific contact lens fitting to get the correct measurements for your lenses for base curve, diameter, and prescription strength. If you have astigmatism you will also need measurements for the cylinder and axis to correct your astigmatism. Make sure you know whether your prescription is plus or minus strength and check that your lenses match this.
How do you fix blurry contact with astigmatism?
If you have astigmatism it is even more important that your contact lenses exactly match your contact lens fitting measurements for clear vision. Make sure the base curve, diameter, prescription strength, cylinder, and axis exactly match your eyes. Make sure that you have the right contact lens for each eye as sometimes your measurements will differ for each eye. Choose toric contact lenses only as these are specifically designed for correcting astigmatism.
If you try to wear regular contact lenses with astigmatism you are likely to find that the lenses do not sit comfortably on the eye and move around. This is because astigmatism means that your eye is rugby ball shaped rather than football shaped and is therefore not suitable for regular contact lenses.
Is it normal to still see blurry with contacts?
If you have checked through the list of causes for eyes blurry with contact and are still experiencing problems with seeing normally then there are a few extra tips to try with your lenses. Firstly, make sure you have correctly prepared your lenses by soaking them for at least 2 hours in fresh lens solution. Make sure to only handle lenses with clean hands and to handle them very gently. Our lenses are soft contact lenses that can become easily torn. With coloured contact lenses, it is important to be aware that your peripheral vision may be affected by the lenses. The colour around the edge of your eye can give a halo effect to the vision.
Why are my contacts suddenly blurry?
There can be several reasons for sudden contact lens blurry vision. The first is that your prescription may have changed. You may need to have a contact lens fitting to assess if your eye measurements have changed in order to ensure your contact lenses are fitting correctly.
The second is that you may have an allergy. Allergies such as hay fever can cause the eyes to water excessively. This extra moisture can cause your contact lenses to move around and not stay in place.
The third is that you may have developed an infection such as conjunctivitis. If you suspect any problems with your eyes, stop wearing your contact lenses and consult your optician or doctor for advice and treatment.
The fourth cause could be that you have recently changed your prescription. If your new contact lenses blurry, it may simply be a case of letting your eyes adjust to your new prescription. If you are still experiencing problems after a few days, go back to your optician for help with your new contacts blurry.
While there are many solutions to try for correcting blurry vision with contact lenses, ultimately, if you are still experiencing blurry vision, it is time to consult your eye doctor. Never try any product other than contact lens solution or eye products prescribed by your doctor or optician to correct contact lens blurriness.
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