Lentilles de contact pour les yeux clairs

Bleu (16)
Vert (14)
Gris (11)
Marron / Noisette / Miel (6)
Rose (2)
Argent (2)
Violet (2)
0.00 / Plano (42)
Prescription (14)
1 Jour (21)
30 Day (18)
90 Jours (17)
2 Par Pack (Paire) (52)
10 Par Pack (4)
+5.50 (2)
+5.00 (5)
+4.50 (5)
+4.00 (5)
+3.50 (5)
+3.00 (5)
+2.50 (3)
+2.00 (4)
+1.50 (4)
+1.00 (5)
±0.00 (Plano) (54)
-0.25 (6)
-0.50 (11)
-0.75 (8)
-1.00 (12)
-1.25 (9)
-1.50 (11)
-1.75 (9)
-2.00 (12)
-2.25 (9)
-2.50 (11)
-2.75 (8)
-3.00 (11)
-3.25 (9)
-3.50 (12)
-3.75 (9)
-4.00 (13)
-4.25 (5)
-4.50 (9)
-4.75 (4)
-5.00 (9)
-5.25 (1)
-5.50 (9)
-5.75 (1)
-6.00 (10)
-6.50 (1)
-7.00 (1)
14 (1)
14.2 (53)
14.5 (1)
Échelle De Confort Pour Lentilles
Régulière (35)
Super Souple (21)
Guide De Transparence Des Lentilles
Amélioratrice (39)
Couleur Vive (1)

Lentilles de contact pour les yeux clairs

56 produits trouvés.
Par Page
Plano Non Correctif
Lentilles de Contact de Couleur Bleu Ciel à Deux Tons
3 for 2 Multibuy
Lentilles de Contact de Couleur Bleu Ciel à Deux Tons (90 Jours)
Plano Non Correctif
Lentilles de Contact de Couleur Vertes Deux Tons
3 for 2 Multibuy
Lentilles de Contact de Couleur Vertes Deux Tons (90 Jours)
Plano Non Correctif
Lentilles De Contact Colorées Violet Rose 90 Jours Trois Tons, Lentilles Naturelles
3 for 2 Multibuy
Lentilles de Contact de Couleur Violette Rose Trois Tons (90 Jours)
Plano Non Correctif
Lentilles De Contact Colorées Green Envy, Lentilles Funky Nouveautés
3 for 2 Multibuy
Lentilles de Contact de Couleur Green Envy Trois Tons (90 Jours)
Plano Non Correctif
Lentilles De contact De Couleur Grises Brumes Trois Tons
3 for 2 Multibuy
Lentilles De contact De Couleur Grises Brumes Trois Tons (90 Jours)
Lentilles de contact à prescription
Lentilles de Contact Colorées Vertes 2 Tons Sans Correction (90 Jours)
3 for 2 Multibuy
Lentilles de Contact Colorées Vertes 2 Tons Sans Correction (90 Jours)
Plano Non Correctif
Lentilles De Contact Bicolores Mystic Gris Clair 90 Jours
3 for 2 Multibuy
Lentilles De Contact Bicolores Mystic Gris Clair (90 Jours)
Lentilles de contact à prescription
Lentilles de Contact 2 Tons Mystic Gris Clair Sur Ordonnance 90 Jours
3 for 2 Multibuy
Lentilles de Contact Deux Tons Mystic Gris Clair Sur Ordonnance (90 Jours)
Lentilles De Contact Colorées Mystic Turquoise 90 Jours
3 for 2 Multibuy
Lentilles De Contact Colorées Mystic Turquoise (90 Jours)
Lentilles de contact à prescription
Lentilles De Contact Colorées sur Ordonnance Mystic Turquoise 90 Jours
3 for 2 Multibuy
Lentilles De Contact Colorées Sur Ordonnance Mystic Turquoise (90 Jours)
Plano Non Correctif
Lentilles De Contact Colorées Bleu Crépuscule 90 Jours
3 for 2 Multibuy
Lentilles De Contact Colorées Bleu Crépuscule (90 Jours)
Lentilles de contact à prescription
Lentilles de Contact Couleur Bleu Sombre Avec Correction (90 Jours)
3 for 2 Multibuy
Lentilles de Contact Couleur Bleu Sombre Avec Correction (90 Jours)
Plano Non Correctif
Lentilles de Contact Colorées Naturelles Vertes 2 Tons Journalières
3 for 2 Multibuy
Lentilles de Contact Colorées Naturelles Vertes Deux Tons (Journalières)
Plano Non Correctif
Lentilles de Contact Colorées Naturelles Bleues 2 Tons Journalières
3 for 2 Multibuy
Lentilles de Contact Colorées Naturelles Bleues Deux Tons (Journalières)
Plano Non Correctif
Lentilles de Contact Colorées Naturelles Grises 3 Tons Journalières
3 for 2 Multibuy
Lentilles de Contact Colorées Naturelles Grises Trois Tons (Journalières)
Plano Non Correctif
Lentilles de Contact Colorées Naturelles Bleues 3 Tons Journalières
3 for 2 Multibuy
Lentilles de Contact Colorées Naturelles Bleues Trois Tons (Journalières)
Plano Non Correctif Multipack de lentilles de contact
Lentilles De Contact Quotidiennes Bleues Naturelles Pack De 10
3 for 2 Multibuy
Lentilles De Contact Quotidiennes Colorées Bleues Naturelles Bicolores (Pack De 10)
Multipack de lentilles de contact Plano Non Correctif
Lentilles de Contact Colorées Bleues 3 Tons Journalières 10 Boites
3 for 2 Multibuy
Lentilles de Contact Colorées Naturelles Bleues Trois Tons Journalières (10 Boites)
Multipack de lentilles de contact Plano Non Correctif
Lentilles de Contact Colorées Vertes 2 Tons Journalières 10 Boites
3 for 2 Multibuy
Lentilles de Contact Colorées Naturelles Vertes Deux Tons Journalières (10 Boites)
Plano Non Correctif
Lentilles de Contact Colorées Naturelles Marron Une Teinte 90 Jours
3 for 2 Multibuy
Lentilles de Contact Colorées Naturelles Marron Une Teinte (90 Jours)
Plano Non Correctif
Lentilles De Contact Noisette, Lentille Colorée  D’Automne Trois Tons
3 for 2 Multibuy
Lentilles De Contact Colorées Noisette D’Automne Trois Tons (90 Jours)
Plano Non Correctif
Lentilles De Contact Colorées Gris Platine trois Tons (90 Jours)
3 for 2 Multibuy
Lentilles De Contact Colorées Gris Platine trois Tons (90 Jours)
Multipack de lentilles de contact Plano Non Correctif
Lentilles De Contact Colorées Bleu Gris Cercle Deux Tons Journalières (Pack de 10)
3 for 2 Multibuy
Lentilles De Contact Colorées Bleu Gris Cercle Deux Tons Journalières (Pack de 10)
Plano Non Correctif
Lentilles De Contact Colorées Bleues Claires Cercle Deux Tons (Journalières)
3 for 2 Multibuy
Lentilles De Contact Colorées Bleues Claires Cercle Deux Tons (Journalières)

While often contact lens wearers are looking for lenses to completely cover their natural dark eye colour, it is assumed that all lenses will successfully cover light eyes. However, this is not always the case. Certain blends of colours will create different results, just as they would if you blended two makeup shades or paints together. In this section, you will find all the best coloured contacts for light eyes to help you to get the results you are hoping for.

Firstly, there are a variety of styles that coloured contact wearers are trying to achieve. This includes enhancing their natural colour, completely covering it, or creating a blend of colours. For each desired effect you will need a different type of coloured contact lens.

For example, enhancement tint contacts for blue eyes are designed to put a sparkle and brightness into the tone of your blue eyes. Whether you are looking to slightly lighten the tone, add additional tones or simply add freshness to the look of your eye, enhancement tint contact is designed to give this effect. It is important to note that when trying enhancement tint contacts for light eyes we are not expecting them to completely change your eye colour but to enhance it and bring out the natural beautiful tones. This goes for any shade of enhancing contact lenses for light eye colours such as grey and green too.

The next level of colour enhancer contacts for light eyes is coloured contacts that blend with your natural eye colour. This often means that blends coloured contacts only feature pigment to the outer ring of the lenses or have pixelated pigmentation to allow your natural eye colour to show through. These types of coloured contact designs create blended effects that allow you to enjoy the best of both; a glimpse of your natural eye colour paired with a realistic natural lens design.

Depending on how realistic you want your natural coloured contacts to look may determine the level of coverage you try. If you want a subtle natural everyday style to simply add some fun to your usual prescription contact lenses, then coloured contacts for light eyes can provide this. However, if you would like full coverage then the designs range from cosplay and anime styles to realistic irises. Look out for styles such as tri tones to mimic the tones and limbal rings of a natural eye or try a full coverage lens to completely change your colour.

It is often assumed that most people with blue eyes won’t want to change their eye colour as the most popular coloured contact colour is usually blue. However, there is a true beauty to other eye colours that is often underappreciated. Brown contacts for blue eyes are certainly sought after among those who enjoy experimenting with new eye colours not only for an everyday eye colour change but also for matching to your characters in cosplay or fancy dress.

Colour Contacts For Light Eyes

Making sure to check the product images available on our website will help you to see how the lenses may look when paired with your natural eye colour. You will find realistic pictures of how each lens looks on a range of eye colours and skin tones to help you visualise how they may look on you. We especially recommend checking the pictures for certain colour combinations. For example, if you are covering green eyes with blue lenses, choose a style that has strong pigmentation to avoid the colours blending together and becoming a different shade. This also applies to the opposite, if you are wearing blue colour enhancing contacts on green eyes. 

If you have a medium brown shade such as hazel, then it is important to thoroughly check the lenses you are choosing. Hazel is somewhere in between a dark and light eye colour so it can wash out more subtle colour contacts for light eyes but it can also not be a dark enough background to see coloured contacts for dark eyes. Take a look at our gallery to see before and after pictures of our customers and affiliates wearing our lenses over hazel eyes. In particular, @makeupmadhouse, a.k.a Carrie Esser has hazel brown eyes and has showcased a range of our natural lenses.

This section is designed to contain all the best coloured contacts for blue eyes and light eyes but there is still a range of other factors to consider when choosing your contact lenses. Once you have selected your design, make sure the base curve and diameter match your latest contact lens fitting as well as choosing a prescription strength if you require it. We also stock a range of non prescription lenses if you are intending to only change your eye colour and not correct vision. 

You can also select the duration of your contact lenses. Single use daily lenses offer a chance to try a new colour without the hassle of maintaining reusable lenses whereas 30 day reusable lenses are a good option if you regularly wear your coloured contact lenses. With the correct storage and maintenance, you can enjoy a month of colour.

Choosing coloured contact lenses is part of the fun of finding your new eye colour but it can be difficult to get it right the first time, especially if you are new to this. That is why we provide as much information as possible on our website to help you see how the lenses look when worn in real life on your eye colour. Choosing coloured contacts for blue eyes and light eyes is comparatively easy compared to finding coverage for dark brown eyes but there are still some factors to consider which is why we have gathered all the information and products you may need in one place.

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