Lentillas de Reptil: Añade Lentillas Reptilianas a tu Look

Lentillas de Reptil: Añade Lentillas Reptilianas a tu Look

Reptile eye contacts offer a unique eye style that features a vertical slit pupil paired with a coloured iris. With reptilian contact lenses, you can change your eye style for a range of costumes and cosplays that are sure to impress, delight and terrify!

If you already have a style of coloured contact lenses in mind then head straight to the Snake Eyes section or take a look at our Animal Contact Lenses section for more designs. 

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Reptile & Lizard Lenses Ideas

Our talented affiliates have been pairing our reptile lenses with their animal costumes and makeup to bring the lizard style to life. 

First up, this stunning look from @margo.horror_beauty shows off our green reptile contact lenses. The detailed scales around the eyes are truly impressive and perfectly frame our lizard contacts. Generally, when creating a reptile look you will be searching specifically for reptile contact lenses but don’t forget that our Cat’s Eye range is perfect for creating a reptilian look. The lenses worn by @margo.horror_beauty can be found in this range along with an array of other colours of lizard contacts.


A post shared by Lauren Ward🖤 (@fx_freak)

You don’t have to stick to the pupil shape of snake contact lenses. @fx_freak has created an awesome snake style using a pair of our Green Costume Contact Lenses. The wide-eyed effect of this style gives the same hypnotising look as a pair of reptilian eye contacts. Styles that make your eyes appear larger are especially handy for lizard looks. Think about the curious rotating eyes of a chameleon, for example.

If you are looking to create a Halloween twist on a snake style then add some prominent fangs just like @fx_freak or take it to the next level with red reptile contacts. A pair of blood red lenses is sure to frighten your party guests.


A post shared by Kristyn (@colorcoatedbeauty)

@colorcoatedbeauty has created a glamorous reptilian temptress style. We are obsessed with the hint of scales on her cheeks and chin paired with a deep green lip. The green reptile lenses totally help to complete this look. If you want people to be in no doubt that you have transformed into a lizard then you cannot go out without a pair of reptile eye contacts.

Here is a quick guide to help you decide which contact lenses you want to try out:

  • Snake Contact Lenses – if you’re thinking about trying an anaconda or cobra look then make sure you have some green reptile contact lenses ready in your makeup bag. Vipers, boas and adders all have hypnotising reptile eyes so there’s no reason why you shouldn’t too. You’ll be delighted to know that our styles come in both prescription and non prescription varieties.
  • Lizard Eyes Contacts – lizard contact lenses often differ from the snake eye versions as there is extra flared detailing in the coloration of the iris. If you’re planning a lizard makeup effect or costume, there are also plenty of options in our green contact lenses section for a creepy style.
  • Crocodile Contact Lenses – alligators and crocodiles are part of the reptile eye contact lenses family and have an interesting style of vertical pupil eyes. As well as the dedicated styles, we think something as unique as the Eye Of Sauron contact lenses will make for a super reptilian look.

Check out @rupsashan’s purple and green snake makeup for inspiration. This look features our Yellow Cat Eye Contacts and could easily be turned into a dragon look too.


A post shared by Rups (@rupsashan)

If you are planning a cosplay, you may find that you need animal contact lenses as many anime and pop culture characters feature unusual eye styles such as snake eyes. Here’s @rainbowskinz looking incredible as Reptile from Mortal Kombat.

Sometimes it can be a challenge to insert your contact lenses with the correct orientation. If you are wearing a pair of lenses with a vertical snake eye style pupil then you will want the lens to stay the right way up in order to enjoy the full effect. Some of our Cat Eye and Snake lenses feature prism ballast technology. This means they feature stabilisation technology which helps them to stay in the correct orientation.

If you need corrective contact lenses, you’ll be delighted to know that we also have prescription reptile contact lenses available for purchase.

Cat Eye Contacts

Cat eye contacts are one of the most popular classic designs when it comes to animal contact lenses and it's not hard to see why! These eye-catching costume contacts come in a variety of colours and finishes but the one thing they have in common is the clever way the printed cat-inspired pupil sits directly over your own pupil, creating an authentic feline look without affecting your vision at all.
These contacts look awesome when coupled with a cat outfit for Halloween, Cosplay conventions or costume parties, so here's what you can pair them with to finish your outfit:

  • A Leotard or Onesie - Try adding some furry fabric and attach it with pins or stitching to create a cat costume.
  • A Furry Tail - make your own tail by cutting one leg off a pair of thick black tights and filling it with any kind of stuffing (paper/cotton wool).
  • Cat Ears - They can usually be picked up at any fancy dress shop in either headband or hair clip form.
  • Cat Face Paint - Use black to create a cat nose and whiskers or use your SFX makeup skills to create a full furry face paint.

Dragon Eye Contacts

If you want a fantasy vibe to your makeup or costume, then make sure to enchant your costume with some stunning Dragon Contact Lenses. These scaled mythical beasts make for incredible costume ideas when paired with some of our coloured contact lenses. 

Featuring an oval pupil that covers your iris while leaving a clear pupil hole, these creepy contacts come in a selection of colours from burning flames of red and yellow to vivid glowing greens; whichever colours you prefer, you're sure to feel pretty fierce in a pair of dragon contact lenses.

To complete a seriously scary dragon costume, here are some tips to pair with your dragon eye contacts:

  • Face Paint - For a truly authentic dragon or reptile look, you're going to need to go green. So invest in some high quality face paint and create an awesome scaly finish.
  • Spikes - You can create these at home by using corrugated card, paint and good old-fashioned papier-mâché. 
  • Flaming Hair - Incorporate your hairdo into your dragon outfit using coloured dyes, gels, chalks or extensions.

Wolf Eye Contacts

Our selection of wolf eye contacts is so authentic looking that they are sure to match some of your favourite movie characters. Wolf contact lenses come in a variety of colours so whatever the occasion, a pair of wolf contacts is an excellent twist on the more traditional cat eye contacts.

To get the best effect from your wolf eye contacts, pair them with the following items to create your costume:

  • Face Paint - You can go all out and make your face grey to give a wolf look or you can simply use a little black face paint to give yourself a wolf nose and whiskers.
  • Ears - You can either pick up a pair of wolf ears from a fancy dress shop or make your own by using an old headband and adding a pair of triangular painted cardboard ears
  • Tail - An old feather duster dyed brown can make a pretty convincing wolf tail if you don't want to splash out at a fancy dress shop.
  • Claws - Get authentic claws by picking up a set of cheap false nails, painting them black and cutting them into triangular claw shapes before sticking them onto your own nails.

Why should your animal costume creativity stop there? If you want to make your reptile contacts work as dinosaur, turtle or even chameleon contact lenses then there’s nothing stopping you! Our store is filled with lenses of every colour, style and prescription. We’re here to cater to all your eye style needs for your animal costumes.

With all these ideas to try, what are you waiting for? Browse our animal contacts section to find your best animal accessory. We love seeing your costumes and makeup with reptile eye contacts and other contact lens looks on social media so don’t forget to tag us on Facebook, TikTok and Instagram.

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