La Fainess To Contact Lens Consumer Act favorisce il processo d’acquisto dei consumatori in riferimento all’acquisto di lenti a contatto. Tale atto fornisce precisi diritti ed impone delle regole ai venditori e prescrittori di lenti a contatto previo restrizioni imposte dalla Commissione Federal Trade (FTC). La FTC ha emesso la regolamentazione Contact Lens Rule nel luglio del 2008 perché i requisiti di tale stesso Atto vengano attuati.

Tale atto nominato Contact Lens Rule precisa che gli operatori sanitari che rilasciano prescrizioni durante la visita e la prima messa in posa delle lenti, rilascino pure una copia di tali prescrizioni stesse, persino nel caso in cui sia il paziente stesso a non richiederle. Nel caso in cui invece il consumatore non presenti tale prescrizione medica al venditore, sarà il venditore stesso a verificare, prima della vendita di tale articolo, che si tratti di una lente idonea e conforme alla prescrizione medica.

Nostre Responsabilità

La Fainess To Contact Lens Consumer Act governa la vendita di entrambe lenti non-prescrivibili (e.g. tipiche della moda da travestimento) e prescrivibili (e.g. correttive, riposanti). In accordo a quanto sopra segnalato, in qualità di venditore possiamo solo fornire le nostre lenti a contatto previo valida prescrizione, qualora sia presentata tale prescrizione stessa direttamente o convalidata dall’operatore sanitario o medico prescrittore.

Per accelerare e facilitare il sopra citato processo, velocizzando il l’acquisto quanto più possibile, Coloured Contact usa un sistema chiamato ‘Approva la Mia Prescrizione/Approve My Prescription’ che avrà luogo durante l’ultima fase di pagamento con carta di credito/debito. Questo sistema sarà in grado di entrare in contatto automaticamente con il vostro medico prescrittore, richiedendone la verifica della prescrizione ottica.

Durante tale contatto con i prescrittori medici stessi, tale sistema fornirà a quest’ultimi tutte le informazioni relative al vostro ordine ed al tipo di lente a contatto. Tale informazioni fornite, correlate al vostro ordine, includono:

  • Nome, Cognome ed Indirizzo
  • Gradazione della lente a contatto, manifattura, curva base o appropriata designazione, e diametro (quando richiesto)
  • La quantità di lenti ordinate,
  • La data e l’orario in cui è stato piazzato l’ordine, e
  • La data e l’orario della richiesta verifica.

Una volta che tali informazioni saranno inviate, la prescrizione sarà verificata qualora il vostro medico prescrittore:

  • Ne confermi la veridicità previo diretta comunicazione,
  • Ci informi del fatto che tale prescrizione sia inaccurata e ci fornisca più precise informazioni previo diretta comunicazione.
  • La verificazione occorrerà nel caso in cui il medico prescrittore non riesca ad entrare in comunicazione con noi entro l’arco di “otto ore lavorative” a partire dal momento in cui egli avrà ricevuto la nostra richiesta di verifica. Si segnala che un’ora lavorativa si definisce tale quando intercorre tra le ore 09:00 am e le ore 17:00 pm, dal Lunedì al Venerdì (escluso feriali) e nel corrispettivo fuso orario della zona in qui il medico prescrittore operi.
Step 1:

Step 1:

Place Your Order

Whilst placing your order, you can select a prescriber to whom we can send your prescription to. Your payment will be accepted and you will be emailed an order confirmation.

Step 2:

Step 2:

Prescription Check

After your order is confirmed and before it is dispatched, we will send your prescription verification request to the prescriber.

Step 3:

Step 3:

Order Preparation

Your order will be picked and packaged whilst we wait for the verification. This allows for immediate dispatch if your order is approved.

Step 4:

Step 4:

Approval or Rejection

Approved – Congratulations! Your request has either been verified by the optician or it has been passively approved (see Step 5a).

Declined – This means your prescription verification request has been disapproved by the prescriber (see Step 5b).

Step 5a:

Step 5a:

Order Approved

If your verification request has been approved, we will dispatch your order immediately and forward you an email confirmation.

Sit back and relax - your contact lenses are on their way!

Step 5b:

Step 5b:

Order Declined

If your verification request has been declined, we will cancel your order immediately, issue a refund and forward you an email notification.

See our FAQs below for possible reasons for rejection.


I've selected the wrong optician during my order, what will happen?

Do not panic! We stress that customers do not need to worry if they accidentally select the wrong optician from our database. All it means is that the wrong optician will receive our verification request, which they will disapprove, cancelling your order.

However, if the verification request is not disapproved or responded to within 8 business hours, your order will be automatically authorised and dispatched. To ensure that this doesn’t happen, we ask that you contact us to manually cancel your order as soon as possible.

Will my order be successful and how will I know?

Once we’ve sent a verification request to your prescriber they’ll have 8 business hours to respond. Despite our best efforts to contact prescribers directly, a majority of our requests are not responded to within this established time frame, and so this verification is passively authorised and your order immediately dispatched.

Regardless of whether your verification is approved or disapproved, we will email you with your order status after 8 business hours so you are fully aware of its progress.

How are the 8 business hours calculated?

A business hour is defined as an hour in the ‘standard’ working day (9am to 5pm, Mon-Fri) in the prescriber’s time zone. Saturday hours can be determined on whether or not the particular prescriber works during these times. The 8 business hour period commences at the first business hour after the verification has been sent.

How are the ‘Saturday Hours’ verified?

We will only use official opening hour listings to verify whether or not a prescriber has Saturday business hours. We will take these times from the official prescribers’ website or any official documentation.

Do I need to notify my prescriber before they receive the request?

It is up to the customer whether or not they contact their prescriber prior to them receiving the verification request. The customer should note that prescribers will receive a detailed and comprehensive email regarding their order and the prescription. The prescriber will be aware of the verification process and will know how to respond to it accordingly.

My prescriber is not a listed option, what do I do?

We are able to add opticians to our database if the customer provides us with said opticians contact information. We will verify the accuracy of the provided information before sending the verification to the newly listed prescriber.

Why has my verification request been rejected?

When prescribers receive the verification request, they can approve or reject judging on the prescription they have for that customer. They can correct inaccuracies in the prescription but can also reject the request if they deem the user not to be a suitable candidate to wear contact lenses.

Prescribers can also reject a request if the prescription has expired. The contact lens prescription rule dictates a prescription will expire one year after its issue date, unless state law deems it to be longer than one year.

Can I place another order if I have had one rejected?

This is purely dependent on the circumstances of each order. For example, if your request has been sent to the wrong prescriber, this does not make a customer exempt from placing a future order, as the reason for cancellation can be rectified when placing your next order.

We ask customers find out why their order has been cancelled before they attempt to place another order as sending out the exact same verification requests may lead to further rejected orders, or incorrect prescriptions getting passively approved.