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Empfohlen für Eine Gute Kontaktlinsenpflege
Empfohlen für Eine Gute Kontaktlinsenpflege

Dieses Produkt ist eine der vielen großartigen Möglichkeiten, wie Sie die Handhabung, Sauberkeit und Pflege Ihrer Kontaktlinsen verbessern können. Weitere Informationen finden Sie in unseren Pflegeanleitungen für farbige Kontaktlinsen.


SKU 152754
Marke Chromaview
Farbe Gelb
Menge Einzeln Verkauft
Art Kontaktlinsenreiniger
Hergestellt aus Von Menschen gemacht
Inhalt Laufkoffer


Ensure full-coloured contact lens cleanliness with this Yellow Contact Lens Barrel Cleaner. This mini pot features a mechanism that rotates the contact lens in solution allowing for gentle, yet thorough, cleaning. This rotation motion allows for the removal of any build-up or residue on the surface of the contact lens. We recommend using these manual contact lens cleaners to help maintain and clean reusable duration contact lenses.

How To Effectively Use A Spinning Contact Lens Cleaner

  1. To open, undo the twist lock lid on top of the barrel cleaner.
  2. Fill the barrel with contact lens solution. Add enough solution to submerge the two cages on the lid when they are placed into the barrel. Do not overfill!
  3. Gently unclick the contact lens cages and place the contact lenses in, ensuring the lens is central and will not get caught in the closure of the cage. 
  4. Once the cages are closed and secure, reattach the lid and tighten.
  5. Twist the lid in a fluid motion to rotate the contact lens cages. The spin is not continuous and you will need to keep twisting to provide motion and a thorough clean.
  6. Once you have completed a satisfactory number of rotations, remove the lid and dispose of the solution that has been used to clean the contact lenses.
  7. For storage, either remove the contact lenses and place them into a case with some fresh solution or, to store in the barrel cleaner, simply ensure the barrel cleaner is free from residue and the solution is regularly refreshed.

The size of the pot makes our portable contact lens cleaners the perfect travel companion for cleaning contact lenses on the go. They are ideal if you’re taking your long-duration contact lenses to special events, conventions or need an easy way to clean and store lenses. Make this contact lens accessory a permanent addition to your coloured contact lens maintenance kit. Our spinning contact lens cleaners are available in multiple colours some with alternative cleaning mechanisms.

We’re all about making sure your coloured contact lens experience is clean and safe and that the contact lenses are well-maintained. Please ensure that you only use this rotary contact lens cleaner on reusable lenses (30+ days). The lenses are thicker, more durable and are designed to be worn on more than one occasion. We don’t recommend using this cleaner on single-use lenses, even for preparing them for first use.

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