Working Coloured Contacts into your SFX look

Working Coloured Contacts into your SFX look

An art in itself, SFX makeup and artistry has become increasingly more popular over the years! From gore to glamour, SFX makeup can take many a form and is highly popular all year round. A perfect way to model out the wildest of your imaginations, special effects make-up has been rocking the cinematography scene since 1857! Enter the world of spirit gum, modelling wax, liquid latex and fake blood! Whether you’re an avid SFX makeup artist or you’re just starting out, we’re here to help. We’ve got a range of coloured contact lenses for you to create some amazing looks. We’re also sharing some of our favourite affiliates' works to inspire you to get creative.

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If you’re looking to get inspired to start your special FX makeup look then why not take a look through our talented affiliate’s work!

If you’re well experienced in the art of special effects, then why not create something similar by @artymazz. Her SFX goblin is perfect for Halloween! You could simultaneously impress and scare your friends with this look. Use our White Zombie Halloween Contacts for a goblin glare!


She’s also used her SFX talents to cosplay as the ‘Alpha Queen Zombie’ using Red Wild Fire Lenses.



We’re so impressed by @ladyparadoxx who’s created this amazing Nemesis character from Resident Evil. @ladyparadoxx has taken our White Blind Coloured Contacts and produced this one-eyed beast!



If you’re a fan of Star Wars, you’ll instantly recognise this Emperor Palpatine cosplay from @artbymazz. With prosthesis and Red Wild Fire Lenses, Brenna has crafted a spooky special FX look.



A post shared by Brenna Mazzoni (@artbybmazz)


Another fan of prosthetics is @jinxthefool! With an elongated chin and nose, Jinx has also paired this look with our White Blind Contacts for a crazed clown look!




@fx_freak has used our White Lunar Eclipse Coloured Lenses for a scary Halloween makeup. With foam latex prosthetics, Lauren’s intergalactic demon looks super realistic!


A post shared by Lauren Ward🖤 (@fx_freak)


One of our favourite special FX makeup looks from @makeupmadhouse using our Black Mini Sclera lenses. This lava makeup looks so real!



@r.m.mua has used special effect makeup to add a dramatic feature to her mother of dragon’s costume! Fake blood and scales are perfect for creating this dragon textured piece, along with our Red Dragon Eye Coloured Contacts.



A post shared by Makeup Medicine (@r.m.mua)


Offering a chance to transform your look, Coloured Contacts is the perfect one-stop shop for all your SFX accessory needs! Boasting flawless finishes, astounding iris coverage and vivid colour, our selection of Natural and Special Effects lenses are sure to make your look POP! Ideal for completing your look no matter what the occasion, our range of coloured contact lenses are the perfect must-have fashion accessory for those seeking to stun. 

With an extensive range of lenses available, in an array of 'eye-catching' colours, you're sure to be spoilt for choice! Acting as a flawless way to finalise your SFX get-up, why not check out some of our most popular styles and shades! From Demon to UV, Horror to Animal and Blind to Cat's Eye, your gaze will never be the same again with the help of Coloured Contacts! Some of our most popular SFX style lenses include:

Offering an array of durations, from daily usage to a year, there's no excuse why you shouldn't be rocking your dream SFX look today! Perfect for popping in to complete a last-minute fancy dress ensemble or for styling out your next social media upload - our lenses are here to lend a helping hand on your way to SFX stardom!

If you’re just getting started with special effect makeup, our affiliates have made it easy with their simplistic yet effective makeup. Take a look at how @rubymediamakeup has used SFX to craft this awesome poison ivy look! Paired with our Green Witches Eye Lenses, it’s never been easier to get the perfect look!


If you’re feeling more daring why not try and replicate this glam bunny makeup with our Pink UV i-Glow Lenses!



There are plenty of ways to style our coloured contact lenses for your SFX designs. Browse our Halloween section to get a feel for your next look.



As Special Effects Makeup can often be a sticky situation (what with all that liquid latex) here are a few top tips on caring for your lenses: 

  • NEVER exceed the wear duration stated on the packaging of your lenses. Wearing lenses that have passed their expiration date can lead to infections, loss of sight or permanent damage to your vision. 
  • NEVER swap lenses with another person. This can spread bacteria, potentially causing serious eye infections.
  • ALWAYS wash your hands before AND after handling your lenses. This reduces the risk of bacteria spreading.

So, if the above SFX ideas have gotten your creative juices flowing then now's the time to check out our site! Jam-packed with lenses, you're sure to find the perfect fit for you! Whatever your budget, style inspiration or creative interests - Coloured Contacts has your back!

For more style inspiration, quirky content and funky lenses find us on FacebookInstagram, Twitter and TikTok!


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