Your Guide To Fantasy Eyes Contact Lenses

Your Guide To Fantasy Eyes Contact Lenses

 Are you a fan of dressing up and participating in your local and national cosplay conventions? Or perhaps you’re interested in creating a masterpiece once a year for Halloween or a fancy dress party? If that’s the case, then there is really only one thing for you; fantasy eyes contact lenses

Within this blog, we’ll give you some ideas on how to recreate popular characters from television shows and blockbuster movies. We’ll be looking back at some of our favourite Halloween contact lenses blogs to show you our best fantasy lenses.

Already know what you’re looking for? Head straight to our fun coloured contact lenses website here.

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The Best Fantasy Contact Lenses

When you hear the word fantasy, there’s one iconic movie franchise that comes to mind; The Lord of The Rings. Not only do these films, set in the iconic Middle-earth, have something for everyone when it comes to thrilling fantasy tales, but the costumes of the various races are also downright incredible.  

One of our favourite lenses is our specifically designed Eye Of Sauron Contact Lenses. These fantasy eye contacts will allow you to show off the iconic look from the movies.

There are so many SFX characters you could create from the Lord of the Rings. Maybe you are ready to try out an Orc or pull off a costume as a towering Urukai? 

Alternatively, one of our favourite SFX makeup looks is a Gollum costume. This creature is a popular character from the franchise and can be created using coloured contact lenses. Check out @rainbowskinz with this freaky Gollum body paint cosplay featuring Ice Walker Coloured Contact Lenses. In the book, Gollum’s eye colour is said to change with his mood so you could also pair this costume with styles such as White Lunar Lenses, Yellow Avatar Lenses, and Green Witches Eye Lenses.

Fantasy Non Prescription Halloween Contact Lenses

Lord of The Rings contact lenses may be more catered towards the diehard fans so we know you may be looking for some coloured contact lenses Halloween that are slightly less scary. Our Alice in Wonderland blog is a great place to start as there are some amazing quirky Halloween contact lenses costume ideas from our affiliates. From the ideally named Mad Hatter Contact lenses to our Cat’s Eye fun contact lenses for characters such as the Cheshire Cat; there really is something to finish any character’s unique costume.


Check out the full Alice in Wonderland Blog here or keep reading to check out more styles.

Game Of Thrones Fantasy Eye Contacts

Now that we’ve touched upon some of our favourite movie characters to dress up as, let’s have a look into how to create the perfect television show costume with some Game Of Thrones contact lenses. We’re counting on our special contact lenses ideas to help us fall back in love with Game of Thrones.

One of our favourite styles for a Game Of Thrones costume is no doubt the Ice Walker Coloured Contacts available from the Coloured Contacts website. These are great for a White Walker cosplay and are also available in prescription varieties here. If you want to show the full-scale power of the Night King, we would recommend the Blue UV I-Glow Coloured Contacts from our Halloween and zombie contact lenses range.


A post shared by Brenna Mazzoni (@artbybmazz)


See our Game Of Thrones Contact Lenses blog here.

Don’t forget to check out our contact lenses case and solution section here so that you can soak and prepare your lenses before use.

We would love to see your fantasy costumes whether you are creating your own character or cosplaying as a popular culture icon. Share your next Fantasy Eye Contacts and costumes by tagging us on Facebook, TikTok and Instagram.

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