We would love to tell you that all our lenses cover dark brown eyes however people can experience varying results due to the different concentrations of color. Some of our styles feature a more solid block of color, whilst some more natural styles feature both colored and transparent sections, to allow for more realistic styles. If you are looking for a complete eye color transformation then you need to choose carefully which is why Coloured Contacts are here to signpost you to the best green contacts on dark eyes.
What Are The Best Green Contact Lenses For Dark Brown Eyes?
The best green contacts for dark eyes are our three color lenses. This range features a triple color effect, as the name suggests, which will help your eye color blend with your new shade. Opaque styles offer more coverage but are less realistic and natural-looking.
You can view some of our more select styles of lenses below, it's easy to go green with these vibrantly emerald and jade shade contact lenses.
Need a little more convincing that you will suit a new eye color? You could check out our Virtual Mirror to try on all our styles. All you need to do is upload a selfie then you can begin trying on as many lens styles as you desire. Read on to find out more about the green lenses that we have selected as being suitable for dark eyes.
Would you like to see proof of the success of our lenses? Head to our Instagram, Facebook or Twitter page to see colored contacts for dark eyes before and after from our talented affiliates.
Why Do Green Tri Tone Lenses Work On Dark Eyes?
It is the way that the lenses are colored that lends them to be a better match for customers with dark eyes. This diagram shows exactly how tri color lenses work and why they make great lenses for dark eyes. This three color effect applies to all lenses with a similar name, check out the details below.

As you can see, the dark limbal ring adds depth to the bright green main color. In the center, there is a hint of brown to give a more realistic finish to the lens. After all, natural eyes are made up of many different colors. These designs in these contacts work to blend and mix your natural colors. In many instances, your natural color might still be visible, but these lenses will make them appear like never before!
Whilst two color styles vary more in their general design, many of our styles are also suitable as green contact lenses for dark brown eyes. Some of the two tones have their two tones within the main iris design, whilst some have the same shade within both the inner and outer ring. Having both the limbal ring and the center a darker color will give an almost 3D illusion to your look. There are just so many types of two-tone styles available, it's hard to say which ones will give the best coverage - you might just have to try them all!
It should be noted that our one tone lenses offer an enhancing effect, rather than one that covers up your natural eye color. These lenses have some small transparent sections to allow your natural color to show through and give a more natural blend.

If you don’t want to completely cover your natural eye color then these contacts will give you the opportunity to enjoy the best of both worlds. Improve your look with these green enhancing contact lenses. Some of the one tone styles have a 'glimmer' effect, this has a similar amount of coverage but they contained a subtle added glimmer effect for a mesmerizing stare.
Prescription And Non Prescription Colored Contacts For Dark Eyes
Coloured Contacts stock a range of prescription lenses so once you have checked your eye suitability with your optometrist or eye doctor you can enjoy clear vision and awesome designs. Select the power for each eye and you will be ready to try out some of our lenses in the Prescription range. If you don’t require corrective lenses we also have an extensive collection of non prescription colored contacts for brown eyes so you can browse our collection of natural and costume styles.
Green Contact Lenses For Dark Eyes: Costume Styles
Green contacts on dark brown eyes don’t just have to come in natural styles. When Halloween comes around or your New Year’s Eve party invite comes through the letterbox you are going to need a costume that is top notch. Come back and visit Coloured Contacts for all your costume designs too. These lenses are successful when paired with brown eyes due to the vibrant blocks of color that create your creepy or mystical look.
There is something about green eyes that gives an air of mystery which makes it a perfect color for dressing up as mythical people such as enchantresses and witches. From goblin styles to realistic reptile/dragon eyes, we know the solid colors in these lenses will help you hide your dark eyes for a night. These opaque colored contacts are hugely popular with customers searching for lenses for dark eyes.